The Queen’s Canopy

The Queen’s Canopy

The Fonthill Estate have planted 3 roundels of trees to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. The 3 signature trees (Platanus x hispanica – London Plane tree, Tilia tomentosa ‘Brabant’ – Silver lime tree, Quercus palustris – Pin oak) are the main feature in each roundel and will provide ornamental interest whilst working well in the beautiful Wiltshire landscape. Planted around each signature tree is a mix of smaller native trees to provide added interest and to act as a food source for wildlife. Special thanks need to go to Tony Kirkham, MBE VMH who expertly chose and sourced the trees.

Carpinus betulus – Hornbeam
Prunus avium – Wild cherry
Sorbus aucuparia – Rowan
Acer campestre – Field maple

(from left to right)
Jack Greenwood (Head Gardener) Paul Baverstock (Maintenance) Vicky Macaskie (PA to Lord Margadale) Lee Lawrence (Forestry) Charles Dillon (Gardener) Ian Best (Logistics) Ollie Hiscock (Maintenance)
Lord Margadale & Dolly the Labrador
Mili Morrison (Lord Margadale’s daughter in law) Karen Batten (Assistant Forest Manager) Audrius Dubinskas (Maintenance) Matthew ‘Minnie’ Riggs (Operations Manager) Kiam Davey (Maintenance) Raimondas Dubinskas (Carpenter & Builder)

Photograph by Mick Lewis (Keeper)